Monday, November 19, 2007
Why Do We Homeschool?
After going through public school myself, I worked in the school system from the time I was sixteen until I was twenty four years old. I was an aide in special education classes, taught speech and language to preschoolers, worked with mentally and physically disabled people from birth through adult, and was sign language interpreter. I have worked in many, many different schools in two states and saw many things that disturbed me.
Even before I had made a commitment to Christ, my husband and I KNEW that out children wouldn't go to public school. Since we met when I was fifteen and he had just turned sixteen, we were able to grow together to that decision as I worked and shared my experiences with him.
Besides the obvious reasons relating to being Christians, being sure then Lord called US, and not the State to teach our children, and not wanting all our values undermined and ridiculed at school, some of my experiences helped form our decision:
I saw kids as young as fifth grade making out "on the sly" during recess. Kids in first and second grade had "boyfriends" and held hands.
There was a pregnant 12 year old in one class.
I interpreted high school lessons that made me wish I could afford to stand up and walk out. Disturbing values clarification taught before my very eyes, and going off my fingers into the brain of a teenager. I *wish* I had been brave enough to refuse to interpret that stuff...
I saw a first grader stab another first grader with a pencil in between the eyes. It was done in anger because the victim answered a question the stabber could not. By the grace of God the pencil hit the bridge of the boys nose and did not go in his eye.
I saw the Pledge removed from the morning routine in a fourth grade classroom. The memo from the principal said not to mention it, just stop doing it. And we did. And not one child asked about it, nor did any teacher do anything more than complain in the staff room for a day or two. Nor did I do anything...
I saw the special education kids be herded out after lunch time to clean the campus. Regular kids would throw their trash all around, leave half eaten food on tables, gum on the ground, spit everywhere... just generally trash everything, and then go to class when the bell rang. Out came the "re*ards" to clean up. Every day, day in and day out. Is that what the parents sent their kids to school to do? Be unpaid janitors? They called it "Life Skills" and gave the students class credit for their time served. Sheesh!
One teacher stands out in my memory. He wished-outloud- that a particular students mother had aborted him. Told him the world would be better off without him. Can you imagine?
I could go on and on. Please don't get me wrong...most of the teachers were great people, and really cared about the students. They just had to teach the worse things! The relationships between the kids were just sad. You could see the way kids were "classed' as early as kindergarten. The nerds, the popular ones, the tough sad! The loving teachers couldn't do much about it, either. The class hierarchy reigned.
I'm so glad the Lord used my years there to shape me and ready me to teach the gifts He would give me in the future. He showed me the gutter so I wouldn't end up sending my kids into it!
This post, by the way, was inspired by Ginger at Clark Chatter. Thanks for your great blog!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
A Boy's Handicraft
My eldest son, Vic, has had a new hobby the last few days. He has been disassembling our old VCR. It was nearly dead, and refusing to give up a VHS tape that it had inside. My Honey asked him to take it apart and get the tape.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Aquarium Trip 2007
Monday we visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It was Homeschool Day so it was filled with lots of other eager children running from exhibit to exhibit. My Honey brought his camera and took many pictures, but I only captured a few good ones. My camera was set to 2 instead of 6, so most of mine were grainy once I could see them on the computer screen. Sniff...
Here is BabyJ. He climbed up this rock "cliff" all by himself. I don't think he knew Daddy was behind him... just in case. He was so proud when he got to the top! The folks at the scope were nervous and seemed a little disapproving as they watched him climb. "I hope that baby doesn't fall!" she said loudly. She doesn't know he's been climbing things for 'years' now!
And finally, BabyJ is learning to wink. How adorable is this??
We had a long day, but it is well worth it! I also met a fellow blogger! My Lambies were walking past her on their way to the shore area and she recognized them! She stopped me and greeted me and we chatted for a few minutes. How fun to meet a reader!
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
The Sager Saga
Catherine Sager Pringle, Elizabeth Sager Helm, and Matilda Sager Delaney.
Taken at the 50th anniversary commemoration, November 1897.
(Photo identified by family members and historians.)
I have read "Seven Alone" by Honore Morrow many times as a child and an adult. It was one of the few good books I had as a child, so it was loved. My copy was burned when I was in high school, along with other books (we had a house fire while in the process of moving out...not too much was lost, and we were all safe, PTL!), but I found a copy on good ol' E-Bay a while ago. My sis-in-law has it now, and doesn't want to give it back. I guess I'll have to find another!!
At any rate, lest I digress, I read in the preface that it was a true story. Therefore, I had always accepted that it was! As I was researching for school this morning, I came upon this page which tells the TRUE story of the Sager children. I should have thought about it, as an adult, that my favorite historical novel had fictionalized portions...
Still a great story that I will be reading with my Lambies. We'll be reading "The Stout-Hearted Seven" by Neta Lohnes Frazier since I haven't a copy of "Seven Alone" right now.