My children LOVE bugs. They bring
in all sorts of examples of insect life they find outdoors, they hatch and release, and later, capture and raise praying mantids every spring and summer. We have a couple at church that brings in all sorts of creepy-crawlies (including the tiniest scorpions you've ever seen) to gift my children. They seem to have an eye for all tiny, little (and not-so-little) creatures!
A few years ago, we found an interesting creature on the wall at church. No one had any idea what it was! We took it home, put it in a jar (with a stick and a leaf to recreate what it was used to*) and I began to research. I simply could not find out what it was! We kept it overnight. I searched the next day, too. When I found nothing, I told the Lambies to release it. I didn't want it to starve in our care! Just a half hour or so later, I chanced upon a,
The very best insect identification site ever.
I quickly found our bug, which happened to be a

However, he was lost in the jungle that was our yard. We couldn't find him again, as much as we wanted to. I did, though, find a homeschool website that we find invaluable. Make sure to bookmark the homepage and check frquently. They feature the ever-interesting "The Bug of the Month" and an effective search feature. We like to just browse all the beauty and wonder of God's creation!*This is a reference to a comedy bit my husband enjoys.