Sunday, September 17, 2017

Who Put The Pepper In The Pot?

This funny little book has long been a favorite with my Lambies.  The family is busy.busy getting ready for the arrival of their aunt. Everyone has lots of things to do, but  everyone is so helpful to mom, too!  

The text is simple, which is great for young readers, without being dull and too dumbed down.  

I don't know exactly *what* draws kids to this story, but it's been a favorite of so many of my Lambies I had to include it in this series. 

Get your own copy here

Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Seven Silly Eaters by Mary Ann Hoberman

First up in my series on overlooked books is The Seven Silly Eaters.  This book has it all.  The artwork is detailed and interesting, the story engaging and entertaining and the rhymes, impeccable! Mr. and Mrs. Peters certainly have their hands full, and the snowballing trouble of allowing children to be picky eaters is evident throughout.  I the realistic, large-family home depicted so well by Marla Frazee.  The solution to the family's problem? Cleverness, thoughtfulness and creativity!  Such a good book.  Can you tell how much it's loved? 

I recently picked up another copy, since this one is nearing the end of its life. I'll pull it out soon for one of the Lambies to read to the babies we watch on weekends.  A new generation will come to love the Peters Family! 
Want one of your own? Just click the link below and get one from Amazon! 

The Seven Silly Eaters by Mary Ann Hoberman 

Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Overlooked Ones

I have a new series upcoming!

I'm going to highlight books that my children have LOVED, but that don't make any of the "recommended" lists, and often get overlooked or shoved aside without consideration. As much as I love Ambleside Online's booklists, many of the Sonlight selections and others, there are great books that don't make the cut.  Most are just fun books, not literature, but life would have been a little poorer if we had not shared them.