Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Break

We are on spring break right now. Normally I avoid taking the same week as the local schools, but the children's cousin is off of school and this is when he could come to visit. My Honey took a few days off of work and we had a great time with our family. The weather was beautiful. The children got out the bouncy house and played and played. My husband and father-in-law have been working on our cursed boat...that's cursed not curse-ed, and hopefully it behave for a while. it was nice to hear it running smoothly. My sister-in-law and I made pints and pints of jam. I got to cuddle a toddler nephew as much as he would tolerate. All the children enjoyed playing with, feeding and holding the chickens.

We had a great adventure trying to get to a fun class I had scheduled. It didn't work out.

Tomorrow we will be working on The Great Clothes Swap in between whatever we do for fun. Daddy home on a Wednesday is a rare treat. We have school planned again beginning Thursday, with the class rescheduled for next week. Hopefully I can find it this time, despite Google and its horrible directions.

Please let me know what you would like to see me blog about here using the new Skribit I installed on the sidebar. Now that the coop is mostly finished, I can turn my blogging attention to school again.

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