Monday, May 17, 2010

Mother Goose Madness

I really should stop it. My youngest is already five...and he's a boy. He's not fond of nursery rhymes unless they end in, "and they went to battle and fought furiously" or some such manly thought.

But I bought another Mother Goose book last weekend. It will live on the YO shelf along with other dear favorites of mine. AO recommends "A nice Mother Goose collection, such as The Real Mother Goose illustrated by Blanche Fisher Wright, Mama Goose, a collection by Edelen Wille, or versions such as those by Rojankovsky, Marguerite De Angeli or Tasha Tudor, or Lavender's Blue, a collection of nursery rhymes compiled by Kathleen Lines, illustrated by Harold Jones".

I have the Tudor and de Angeli ones, as well as one by Eloise Wilkin, one by Eulalie, one by The Provensens, and The Christian Mother Goose by Decker.
The Glorious Mother Goose (selected by Cooper Edens) richly deserves a place on the shelf of any beauty loving family. The original poems are illustrated by gorgeous paintings from the past. Masters such as Kate Greenaway, Milo Winter, Peter Newell and many others are showcased in this surprisingly easy to find ~and~ afford book. I suggest you find one for your Littles...before they are too big for Mother Goose, that is.

1 comment:

  1. You're too funny! My adoptees are never too old for Mother Goose-- anything they missed out on when they were little is just fine with them. Doesn't embarrass them in the slightest.


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"Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones."